Zaynab Academy Online presents in Foundations: Noor-e-Hadith
Based on Zaad ul Talibeen book by Maulana Mohammad Aashiq Ilahi Sb
Feel the weight of the world lift off you as you travel hundreds of years back to learn about the beautiful Ahadith e Mubaraka which will fill your heart with the love of Allah’s Beloved ﷺ and help attract barakah and blessings in your life.
6 months Course
Morning Batch:
Starting from Thursday, 15th June, 2023
Every Thursday & Friday
11:00 am to 12:00 noon PKT
Night Batch:
Starting from Tuesday, 13th June, 2023
Every Tuesday & Thursday
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm PKT
For registration kindly fill the following form
☆ 80% attendance is mandatory.
☆ Assessments will take place to ensure deeper understanding.
☆ Certificates will be awarded to successful students.
Free of Cost | Females Only | Urdu